07952 343658
Feel drained at the end of your clinical day?
Frightened of being ill because you are self-employed and can’t afford time off?
Want to stay focused longer for your patients?
All Acupuncturists and Healthcare Professionals should learn Ren (Man) Wu (Five) Zang (Organs). It was originally taught to Medical Qigong Therapy Doctors in the Chinese hospitals before entering a clinical environment. This is one of the oldest Shamanistic Meditation techniques from the Ming Dynasty, specifically used to protect the Five Yin Organs by calling upon the Celestial Animals.
As Clinicians we are advised to use this meditation whenever we feel the need for energetic protection. However, practicing on a daily basis (before clinic) enables us to call upon the Animals instantly which sharpens our focus and affords more energy for our Clinical work. Being mindful of the Chinese philosophy associated with the archetypal energy of the animals makes this an extremely powerful meditation. It is so nice not to feel drained at the end of a clinical day. It is imperative as a health care practitioner to tend our own Qi before we serve others. What you will learn:-
How to Book a Place: Fill in the Contact Form and email us your details requesting a booking form for Ren Wu Zang.
“I really liked the Ren Wu Zang and the Old Man Healing Sound – it will make me a more effective practitioner.
The Ren Wu Zang and Old Man healing Sounds will definitely help me in my daily Acupuncture work.
Very interesting workshop and I can see how Clinical Qigong could be used as an adjunct to Acupuncture.
Fascinating – the visualisation was my favourite as I can see how to integrate it with 5 Element Acupuncture. I will definitely try the Ren Wu Zang as I like the idea of the animals and colours. I will also try the Old Man healing sound as well.”